Tuesday, September 29, 2009
real life....blah!
so life in tn is great...weather FINALLY cleared up and its actually COLD....woke up and it was in the 40's. whhaaaa????? my fleece has officially made it out of the closet execpt that's the only cold weather item i have. need to get home asap. which brings me to real life. its hard being 9.5 hours away from home b/c now i can't just run home for the weekend. and i was hoping to come home for the florida game but i don't think i'll be able to. its a jazz concert at the winery and mom is coming the next weekend and its so far. brett probably won't be coming home for thanksgiving b/c of army stuff so i'll go home in the beginning of the week and work the weekend after t-giving. all of this b/c brett and i will be home for a week for xmas!!! so that's the plan stan! hope it all works out smoothly. that's all i got!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
rain rain go away
it's been raining EVERY DAY here....and i think it's payback. when the gulf coast was getting all that rain, i sort of chuckled b/c we were having bea-U-tiful 60's weather. now, God is drowning us. hurley is a hot mess every day b/c he's still going to have to pee rain or shine! and it's depressing....i want to curl up and drink coffee and watch 80's movies all day....ALL DAY!!!

but alas, work/puppy/life calls and i have to only dream of that. so, i apologize louisiana and texas...now stop raining!
BUT, i just finished my 2nd week of bootcamp and i might go ahead and sign up for the next one. i LOVE LOVE LOVE it. things i would never think of doing and things i wouldn't be able to do by myself at a gym, i'm doing now. weighted bars running around campus, basketball, yoga, aerobics, suicide drills, etc etc etc. if i don't make progress at the end of this i'll be depressed but at least it got me moving!
puppy class started last night for hurley. he did know the most regarding potty training, sitting, etc....however, he was WILD! most of the other dogs were shy while hurley was thinking it was UFC fight night. and all the other owners are like, "hurley's so cute!! you're being too hard on him." whatev....he doesn't eat your shoes, bite your hands and eat dead frogs on a daily basis. i still love the stinker though....more that i thought i ever would!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Holy hell, i love fall!

so being in TN, fall is even more exciting with the 55 degree nights and 75 days. but what i get most excited about is FALL FASHIONS!!! seriously, it is ridic! boots make me happier than you know, sweaters....fantastic, skinny jeans, scarves, tights, oh my!!!! money is a little tight this year so i will have to stick to the must haves and essentials. i do need a pair of brown/tan sliver heel wedge knee high boots. MUST HAVE. steve madden has a gorgeous pair that i might have to splurge on. since it will be colder here than texas or louisiana, i might need another coat but we'll see. P.S. lauren conrad has new line at kohl's....OMG. A. i love her. B. super cheap...i'm going today. on a side note, has anyone else noticed that vera wang's line at kohl's kind of went downhill...like in the matronly direction? weird. that first season was good....now, not so much. either way, the point of this whole run on paragraph, is i LOVE fall!
and i hate to be a downer but i'd like to take a second to recognize a few deaths in recent days.
patrick swayze (don't laugh), but seriously, great actor and dirty dancing is one of my all time fave movies. and maybe the fact that i have a personal connection to cancer and it stings a little when i hear of someone dying from it.
second, a former classmate, alan collier, passed a couple days ago. i went to school with him and his sister for years and his mother was my teacher. my thoughts and prayers go out to them because i can't imagine losing a loved one.
being affiliated with the army, i have to get used to the word death, as deployments are dangerous and inevitable. a soldier was killed recently in a motorcycle accident and how his family will go on is beyond me.
please say a prayer for them.
not that anyone reads this except for sari! :)
Friday, September 11, 2009
September 11
i usually recognize this day coming up about a week in advance and think about it a lot. i was about to shower at the sorority house for my 830am class and turned on the tv to see the destruction unfolding. i didn't move for a few hours besides making phone calls making sure everyone i knew was alright. this year, it snuck up on me as i turned on the tv to see the memorial in progress. whether i anticipate today or not, i am still filled with emotion for what our country has been through and silently thank the soldiers like my Brett for what they do every day. maybe one day we won't have to worry about our safety like we do now.
but ANYWAYS....hurley is getting SO big i can hardly stand it. he has big lab fur, not puppy fuzzy fur! he's learning sit and stay and lay down but that last one is hit or miss. we're signing him up for puppy class in the next week or two so it'll be interesting to see how my hurley will handle it!! he's also taken to using his food/water bowls as chew toys...while the water is still in it....are you kidding ME!?!? it's still pretty funny though. :)
Brett got a new car last night....traded in the gas guzzler Commander (which i kinda miss) and got a bmw 3 series. we were at carmax forEVER last night but he's really happy with his decision and the drive back he got 27 miles to the gallon! waaahooo!!!!
happy trails!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
so this weekend was super fun....brett and i went down to houston for labor day and it was a great time! i have realized, however, that i am no longer 21 and can't hang like i used to. since moving up to TN and syncing with brett's schedule (and of course getting the pupster), sleep doesn't come in the form of 8 hours all the time and bedtime is always before 10pm!
we flew in and after running around all day friday, we went to benjy's for drinks and then cedar creek for dinner after the wait at benjy's was too long. by 113opm, brett and i decided sleep was more important than forcing our eyes to stay open. btw, sleep on an air mattress that loses air at night, isn't very good sleep in general...so saturday morning came too early. we went to brunch at cyclone's and then christian's tailgate to meet some peeps. the guys fantasy football draft was at 6 so the girls went to central market to get grilling food and got to cooking. the lsu game was at 930 and yet again, around midnight, i no longer wanted to be awake. most of the girls went dancing at vintage but i stayed back and loved falling asleep. day drinking just isn't for me unless i can nap!!! sunday was a sleeping day for everyone and the guys played golf while the girls cleaned up the mess. we had a low key night at the bowling alley and monday was a travel day after sushi lunch. doesn't sound like much now (and i'm leaving out boring details) but it definitely felt like it!!!
i missed my dear Hurley so much and i swear he got bigger in the 4 days we were gone!!! thanks to whitney and cordell for taking SUCH good care of our sweet darlin! now its back to work and life and i'll be happy to go back to my 9pm bedtime.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Day 1
ok, so let's start off with this....i don't like to capitalize so this is what it'll be like. OK??? OK.
second, i really like reading sarah and jess' blogs because its like i'm sitting there listening to them and MUCH easier than calling ppl...there's just not enough time in the day to talk to everyone! so here goes my blog. hopefully it doesn't bore you to freaking tears.
clarksville is great so far...weather is WONDERFUL, like 50's at night right now!! i pulled out my fleece a couple days ago to take Hurley out to pee. BTW, brett and i got a pupster, Hurley, and he's the cutest, sweetest yellow lab ever!!!! we got him young (5 weeks) so it's been interesting but he's coming along with his training pretty well. besides the biting, chewing, needing constant supervision, and eating dirt, i LOVE LOVE LOVE him!
on another note, i just started working at the local winery, Beachaven, and it is super fun. the girls are great and i really like wine so it's perfection!! go to the website and check it out www.beachavenwinery.com
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