Monday, April 23, 2012

oh what a night....

not in a good way.  we got a stroke of fluke bad luck.  it started with brett having to go to bed early b/c he had to get up before 5 for a work thing. yuck. ok nbd....i was changing baby boy before his 930pm feeding and boom! projectile spit up. what's the difference btw spit up and vomit? i don't know. maybe quantity? in that case...vomit. holy crap. change pj's, clean up, etc. crisis averted. start feeding smaller bottle than usually would just b/c of said spit up, and at both burps, vomit. hmmmmm.....ok, change of pj's again. throw in the towel. if he wakes up hungry (as per earlier post, this isn't the norm) i'll deal and feed him nbd. notice a pattern?  i try to be all "nbd" about most things. fast forward to 230am.  i'm deep in sleep dreaming about the grocery store and over the loud speaker this beep keeps happening. then i wake up...beep is still happening. it's not in our room....but it is. through the monitor? i look at the screen and carter is squirming and kicking and not happy. i go to his room and it's THE SMOKE DETECTOR!!!! low battery beeps i guess. are you serious?!?!  i think i've written this before..but my smoke detectors are against me. they always seem to blast "LOW BATTERY" while brett is deployed, i'm pregnant and all at different times and different rooms. so i grab carter, bring him to the pack n'play in our room....BRILLIANT on my part not to pack it up when we moved him to his nursery. brett is now awake, baby boy is gassy and tired and awake and hurley is awake. of course i am awake. and brett needs to get up in 2 hours. ARGGGGGG!
well, brett is tired but he got off on time. let's hope today goes better. NBD. The End.

Monday, April 9, 2012

i'm not saying....i'm just saying

we're sleeping through the night.  2 months old y'all!  i mean, even if baby boy regresses to what he was doing last week (which was sleeping from 930pm-430am, then until 730am) that's A-ok! but we're LOVING 930pm-630am! LOVING IT!!!!!  now let's not pretend it's all peaches and cream  honey and roses (i'm allergic to peaches) during the day.  carter is what i call "not great at naps". so what i'm saying is...if running around, entertaining a baby boy with a couple minor meltdowns during the week is what it takes....i think i'll take it! 

so how long until a fluke turns into a pattern?????  5 days???????

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ok...bearable.  I need organization. with baby carter's clothes now in the mix, i need more than just piles of dirty clothes piling up everywhere!  i'm a "whites with whites, darks with darks" kind of girl...who are you? brett is a "everything in the same pot!" and i'm not a huge fan.

simple but functional

functional...not very pretty
very functional...getting closer

oh sweet heaven. i need this.