Tuesday, May 15, 2012

new beginnings...

I am AFAA certified to teach group fitness!!!!!!  Wahooooooo!!!!  after lots and lots of studying (you can ask brett), it all paid off :)  when i started this journey i didn't expect to have to learn and understand what i call "science-y stuff" like joint actions, muscle contractions, anatomy, anaerobic and aerobic systems, etc. but i felt good going into the workshop day and this is certainly the outcome i wanted! 
part of this is because this is a passion for me (in particular yoga and pilates) and i would love to spread the love and health benefits to all.  also, it helps me stay with my darlin' baby boy Carter more instead of putting him in daycare for 9 hours a day. NOT that i'm hating on working moms but for what i was doing, it was not worth it....and i think/hope this is the best step for us right now. plans may change but we're making it work for the time being. 

SOOOOOOOOO.....for anyone in the savannah area or knows someone in the savannah area, i'm looking to fulfill requests for classes and times. i'll be teaching at the gym on hunter army airbase but in the near future i'd like to do a stroller exercise class for moms, prenatal and postnatal classes and maybe even a mommy and me class along with your stand yoga/pilates. email me at lindseychatelain@gmail.com for any questions/updates. 