did i mention i have great friends!?!?!? thank you to those people who came and made my bachelorette party so fun....and sunday the worst day of my life. :) (we're soooo not in college anymore ladies and gents.) the award of TROOPER OF THE YEAR goes to........AMY CRISTINA MOLINA!!!!!! this little preggo put on the whole weekend...and on saturday, this sally sober was working the dance floor. LOVE IT. and the beach was Fine people. like, no smell, 2 tar balls, we got in the water FINE! please go support your gulf coast.
on a different note but speaking of pregnancy (a few sentences back...) jessica's blog the cycle+2....love. i wish i had more to read but having twins makes you kinda busy. BUT, thank you to jessica for being R-E-A-L! i love how she says the honest truth even though its not what you are supposed to say/hear. like, yes, babies change the relationship of a husband/wife....you just have to work in quality time. yes, you can still have a life and take vacations when you have kids...you just have to alter it a little bit. and no, you don't feel this instant LOVE the second they come out. but it grows from minute one. love her. love it.
lastly, on a superficial note, the kardashians have a skincare line. am i crazy for wanting to try it????? they seriously have the.best.skin. why can't i?!?! its only $30 to try it. and i can send it back if it gives me hives! i'll think about it more and wait for comments. i'll probably be waiting a while.......
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