Thursday, July 14, 2011


y'all!!!!!!  i made pesto last night that went over so well i did a happy dance in my head.........
BROCCOLI PESTO!!!  so sneaky but sooooooooo good.  seriously, if you have the task of trying to get veggies into meals like i do, this is the EASIEST way.  i just had to double time it in the kitchen to get rid of the evidence while he was in the office :)  so sneaky.

Broccoli Pesto
2 cups of pesto
1 large broccoli (around 2 cups)

A couple of stems fresh basil or sage
1/2 lemon, juice
1/2 cup hazelnuts
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tbsp water
salt & pepper

Throw all the ingredients in a blender or food processor. Pulse for about a minute. Taste it. Add more olive oil or water if it feels too dry, and salt & pepper according to taste.
as you know, i'm not a big measurer but i eyeballed this....and added maybe a tablespoon or premade pesto to hide the broccoli-ness a bit more. and i added cayenne pepper...just a pinch. i put it on pasta with chopped artichokes, tomatoes, roasted red peppers and shrimp. YUMMMM!          for 

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